
Keynotes and invited presentations


Lonka, K. (2024, Nov). Keynote. It’s Scholarly but It’s Real: Using Phenomenon Based Learning to future-proof effective learning in Higher Education. SCoLPP, Staffordshire University, Nov 20, 2024. Online.

Lonka, K. (2024, Nov). Keynote: “Redefining Teaching for the New Era of AI. ICEEPSY. Madrid, Spain, Nov 5, 2024. (Chairing the conference)

Lonka, K. (2024, Apr). Keynote: “Addiktiota vai algoritmeja? Viisi myyttiä koulujen digitalisaatiosta.” Digitalisaatio oppimisen ja hyvinvoinnin tukena. Hämeenlinna, April 17, 2024.

Lonka, K. (2024, Jan). “Miten estää ruutukaappaus? Kännykän säätelyn ongelmat.” Nuoret verkossa – Vilppi ja valhe talouden digitalisoituessa. DigiConsumers-seminaari. Suomen Pankki, Helsinki, January 26, 2024.


Lammassaari, H. & Lonka, K. (2023, Jan). Esitys: “Mikä tuo työn imua opettajalle uuden edessä? Opettajien valmiudet tukea tulevaisuuden taitoja.” DigiConsumers-seminaari. Suomen Pankin rahamuseo, Helsinki, Jan 13, 2023.

Lonka, K. (2023, March). Keynote 1: “How does research-based teaching and learning benefit students?” Oppimisseikkailu 2023 [Learning Adventure 2023]. University of Helsinki, March 7, 2023.

Lonka, K. (2023, March). “How University students epistemic theories are related to their academic achievement and study engagement?” In EdPsy Symposium: Epistemic cognition and scientific thinking, Tutkimuksen Päivä 2023 [Research Day 2023], University of Helsinki, March 3, 2023.

Lonka, K. (2023, Oct). Keynote: “How Research on Emotion, Motivation and Learning Informs Educational Practices? Latest Research in Educational Psychology.” ICEEPSY 2023, Barcelona, Spain, Oct 18, 2023. (Co-chairing the conference)

Lonka, K. (2023, Nov). Keynote: “Adolescents, Digital Technology and Well-being Inside and Outside School – What are the Challenges and Benefits.” The Second Shanghai Forum for Education Excellence (SFEE 2023), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, Nov 4, 2023.

Lonka, K. & Salmela-Aro, K. (2023). “Using Contextual and Situational Methodologies to Investigate Student Emotion and Motivation.” An invited presentation at the 20th Biennial EARLI Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece. August 26, 2023.

Lonka, K., with Airaksinen, T. & Carver, E. (toim.) (2023). “Opettajien akatemia ja yliopisto-opettajuuden muutos.” Opiskelijoiden ohjaus yliopistossa -podcast. Jan 12, 2023.

Lonka, K. with Georgiou, M. (Ed.) (2023). “How to Motivate Students.” Finnish Education Perspectives, #19. Eduten -podcast. Apr 26, 2023.

Lonka, K., Myllymäki, K. with P. Peura, P, Koponen, J. & Peltola, S. (toim.) (2023). “Koulun ja opettajankoulutuksen nykytila.” Koulu-podcast. May 9, 2023.


Lonka, K. (2022). Keynote: “Broad-based competences and phenomenon-based learning in a nutshell“. GINTL Webinar “Phenomenon-based learning in the eyes of Chinese and Finnish educationalists”. November 08, 2022, Finland and China.

Lonka, K. (2022). Esitys: “Miten soveltaa vahvuuksien psykologiaa ohjaustyössä?” Unelmasta uratarinaksi – Ohjauksella avaimia tulevaisuuteen -seminaari. October 28, 2022. Vauhtia uralle, Joensuu, Finland.

Lonka, K. (2022). “Phenomenal learning – lessons learned from educational psychology”.  Sultan Idris Education University (Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia) Online Webinar – Expert sharing session. October 12, 2022.

Lonka, K. (2022). Keynote: “Lessons Learned from Educational Psychology: How to foster meaningful learning?” ICEEPSY 2022, October 6, 2022, Madrid, Spain. (Co-chairing the conference)

Lonka, K. (2022). “The future of learning – challenges and possibilities.” Invited talk in the Embassy of Norway, Oslo Innovation Week , Sept 28, 2022.

Lonka, K. (2022). Lecture: “Phenomenal Learning from Finland”. Opening Ceremony, Virtual International Internship, Doctoral Programme in Educational Sciences. September 14, 2022, RUDECOLOMBIA, UNAD Florida, Colombia.

Lonka, K. (2022). Invited Oxford-style expert debate about research methods in motivation and emotion. Defending Experience-Sampling Methods. ICM2022 (International Conference on Motivation), August 24-26, Dresden, Munich.

Lonka, K. (2022). Invited speech: “Phenomenal learning from Finland – where are we going next”. EducationHUB, Meeting between the City of Helsinki and Hewlett Packard, Europe. May 30, 2022.

Lonka, K. (2022). Keynote: “Phenomenal learning from Finland”. The Embassy of Columbia in Finland for State Universities of the SUE Caribe Network The Caribbean State University System of Colombia (conformed by the following Colombian Universities: Atlántico, Cartagena, Córdoba, Guajira, Magdalena, Popular del Cesar, Tecnológica del Chocó and Sucre), May 4, 2022.

Lonka, K. (2022). Metsäopettajien Akatemia. Sulautuva vuorovaikutuskoulutus metsäalan opettajille. March 24.-26, 2022.

Lonka, K. (2022). Keynote: “Innovatiivinen ja oppiva yhteisö – mikä estää, mikä mahdollistaa?”. Jatkuvaa oppimista yli rajojen. March 10, 2022, Urbaania kasvua, Vantaa.

Lonka, K. (2022). Esitys: “Kuinka tukea tulevaisuuden taitoja kouluissa? Huomio digitaalisiin taitoihin ja opettajankoulutukseen”. Toimiiko peliohjain? Nuorten navigaatiotaidot uudelle tasolle globaalin talouden myrskyissä. DigiConsumers -webinar, January 21, 2022. Suomen Pankin Rahamuseo (online).

Lonka, K. with Lehtonen, T. & Eskelinen-Fingerroos, M. (2022). WilmaCast -podcast: Miten digitalisaatio näkyy oppimisessa?

Lonka, K. with Rantanen, O. & Veikkola, A. (2022). Uskalla yrittää -podcast: Opiskeluvinkkejä ja kokeisiin valmistautuminen. Nuori Yrittäjyys ry.


Lonka, K. (2021). Keynote presentation about Phenomenal learning. Expo 2020, December 15, 2021, Dubai, The United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Lonka, K. (2021). ”Tulevaisuuden osaamistarpeet”. Webinar (online), Tunne Työ 2.0 -hanke, November 18, 2021.

Lonka, K. (2021). Moving towards the New Normal in Finnish teacher education” Invited speech. Future-ready Education, November 12, 2021, Vietnam (online).

Lonka, K. (2021). “Mikä opiskelijaa motivoi [What motivates your student?]” Invited speech. Silta Webinar, October 6, 2021, Oulu (online).

Lonka, K. (2021). “How to design engaging learning environments for the future? The perspective of educational psychology” In Tehtaanmäki Design Webinar: How to create inspirational spaces for learning? Alvar Aalto Week, August 17, 2021, Kouvola, Finland.

Lonka, K. (2021).Learning through projects – competent for life.” Workshop/Study visit for policy makers and practitioners. June 14 -17, 2021, Rtanj, Serbia.

Lonka, K. (2021). “How epistemic profiles are related to study engagement and problems in studying”. EFYE Keynote, June 9, 2021.

Lonka, K. (2021). Invited talk: “Suomalaisesta koulusta yhteiskunnan kilpailuvaltti? Keskustelu Peter Vesterbackan kanssa. EDU Areena 2021 (online), May 19, 2021.

Lonka, K. (2021). Ohjelman päättävä Keynote: Oppiminen ja hyvinvointi uuden normaalin kynnyksellä“. Murros2021, April 29, 2021, YouTube Live stage (online), Keuda.

Lonka, K. (2021). Roundtable: Session 3: Strengthening Metacognitive competencies for enhancing teacher education. 48th NPSC Annual Conference, February 25, 2021, India (online).


Kruskopf, M., Lammassaari, H., & Lonka, K. (2020). Saving the planet? A new blended approach to phenomenon-based learning. Teacher Education Policy in Europe, 13-15.5.2020, Helsinki, Finland.

Lonka, K. (2020). Invited talk: Key elements for good learning results in the hybrid learning environment. Hybrid Learning Summit : Shared experiences world-wide, December 10, 2020, Helsinki, Finland.

Video interview by Teemu Ruohonen: The life-long learning experiences (in Finnish). December 1, 2020.

Lonka, K. (2020). Invited talk: Phenomenal Teacher Education from Finland. Worlddidac Association, Webinar (online), September 24, 2020.

Lonka, K. (2020). Keynote: Phenomenon-based learning and Finnish schools. Finnish Embassy, June 25, 2020, Santiago, Chile.

Lonka, K. (2020). Keynote: Phenomenon-based learning. Finnish Embassy, June 16, 2020, Bogota, Columbia.

Lonka, K. (2020). Keynote: Paluu tulevaisuuteen – mitä hyvää kevään poikkeustilanne voi tuoda oppimiseen? EDUXR2020: Oppimisen laajenevat todellisuudet, Conference, AltspaceVR (online), April 17, 2020.

Lonka, K. (2020). Invited talk at III Finnish-Russian Educational Forum, Seminar, February 23, 2020, Helsinki, Finland.

Lonka, K. (2020). Keynote: Phenomenal learning from Finland – where are we going next? LIFE2020 Lapland International Forum for Education, University of Lapland, Conference, February 6, 2020, Rovaniemi, Finland.

Lonka, K. (2020). Invited talk: Teachership in Finland and worldwide. Educa 2020, Conference, January 24, 2020, Helsinki, Finland.

Lonka, K. (2020). Invited talk: The essence of phenomenon-based learning and how to implement it. IV Finnish-Russian Educational Forum, Conference, January 23, 2020, Helsinki, Finland.


Lonka, K. (2019). Keynote: Epistemic beliefs of teacher students and teachers: variable-oriented and person-oriented viewsThe Third International Conference for “Personal Epistemology and Learning in the Digital Age”, November 29, 2019, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lonka, K. (2019). Keynote: Phenomenal teacher education from Finland – Challenges and Solution. The 7th International Conference on Teacher Education: Focusing on Teaching Methods and Materials, October 18, 2019, Pingtung, Taiwan.

Lonka, K. (2019). Keynote: How Schools Cultivate Interdisciplinary Life-long Learners. CW International Conference on Education Innovation, September 25, 2019, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lonka, K. (2019). Plenary Panel: The university of the future: physical vs virtual. THE Innovation and Impact Summit, April 3, 2019, Daejeon, South Korea.

Lonka, K. (2019). Keynote: Reforms of the Finnish education system. II Finnish-Russian Educational Forum, March 14, 2019, Moscow, Russia.

Lonka, K. (2019). Keynote: Homo Digitals goes to Army. Oulu Finnish Army Seminar: Trends in army excercises, training and education in the 2020s, February 13, 2019, Oulu, Finland.


Lonka, K. (2018). Keynote: Future Ready Education: Transformation in Curriculum and Teachers Development in Finland. Learning & Teaching Expo 2018, December 12, 2018, Hong Kong, China.

Lonka, K. (2018). Keynote: Osaamisella tulevaisuuteen. WORK & HEALTH Research Seminar, November 7, 2018, Helsinki, Finland.

Lonka, K. (2018). Keynote: Finnish school reform and phenomenon-based learning: the importance of physical activity. Back to Basics, October 18, 2018, Shenzhen, China.

Lonka, K. (2018). Keynote: Growing minds – 21st century competences and digitalisation among Finnish youth? 14th Annual ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research, September 14, 2018, Espoo, Finland.

Lonka, K. (2018). Keynote: Työnohjaaja – olet tärkeä! Suomen Työnohjaajat ry:n Työnohjauskonferenssi, 2018, June 8, 2018, Porvoo, Finland.

Lonka, K. (2018). Keynote. Puhetta perustaidoista -seminaari, June 5, 2018, Helsinki, Finland.

Lonka, K. (2018). Keynote. Global Education Technology (GET), May 18, 2018, Helsinki, Finland.


Lonka, K. (2017). Invited lecture: Learning and education in the global and digital work? Presented in Ilona seminar, January 26, British Museum, England.

Lonka, K. (2017). Invited Talk: Digital Transformation of Finnish schools Taking a Digital Leap. The 16th IFIP Conference on e-Business, e-Services and e-Society, November 23, Delhi, India.

Lonka, K. (2017). Keynote: The Writing Process of a PhD Student – A Shift from the Concern over Language to the Concern over the Mind. Pre-seminar of the FinEd Network to the FERA 2017 Conference, Rovaniemi Finland, November 29, 2017.

Lonka, K. (2017). Keynote: Miksi tunteet ovat tärkeitä oppimisessa? Tunnetta ja elämyksiä digiajan oppimiseen -seminaari, HY+, October 12, 2017, Helsinki, Finland.

Lonka, K. (2017). Keynote: Reform in Teacher Education. 2017 Annual ACEL National Conference, November 6, 2017, Sydney, Australia.

Lonka, K. (2017). Keynote: Visions for future teacher education. Dare to Learn, September 6, 2017, Helsinki, Finland.

Lonka, K. (2017). Keynote: World Education 3.0 possibilities. World Education 3.0, August 10, 2017, Kirkkonummi, Finland.

Lonka, K. (2017). Opettajankoulutus. Asiantuntijaseminaari, Suomen suurlähetystö, February 28, 2017, Mosambik.

Lonka, K. (2017). Keynote: Recent developments in Finnish schools. How to promote creativity, motivation and engagement? LIFE2017, January 19, 2017, Rovaniemi, Finland.

Lonka, K. (2017). Keynote: Education 4.0. Canon Future Book Forum, November 27, 2017, Poing, Germany.


Lonka, K. (2016). Keynote. Brookes Learning and Teaching Conference, July 14, 2016, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK

Lonka, K. (2016). Keynote: Sustainable Education Design from Finland. South Africa Innovation Summit, September 22, 2016, Johannesburg, South Africa.

Lonka, K. (2016). Keynote: Recent Innovations and Challenges of (Finnish) School. International Conference for Personal Epistemology and Learning (PEL), December 13, 2016, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lonka, K. (2016). Keynote: How can education play a role in developing democracy in society? IDEC2016, June 9, 2016, Mikkeli, Finland.

Several national keynotes.


Lonka, K. (2015). Keynote: E-learning is out – what is in, then? An invited keynote in Caperio satellite meeting of BETT2015 for Swedish delegates, January 23, 2015, Cumberland hotel, London, England.

Lonka, K. (2015). Invited lecture: PhD. students’ conceptions of academic writing – what can quantitative analyses reveal? Presented in Quant Hub seminar, January 19, 2015, Faculty of Education, University of Oxford, England.

Lonka, K. (2015). Schools, digitalisation and education in Finland. Skolekonferensen, Nanseskolen, May 22, 2015, Lillehammer, Norway.

Lonka, K.(2015). Workshop: Schools and education in the digital era. Speech in CULT – European Parliament. May 4, 2015.

Several national keynotes.


Lonka, K. (2014). Keynote: How to engage university students? Developing new learning solutions for the future. In Oppimisseikkailu, Helsinki, Finland, March 4, 2014, .

Lonka, K. (2014). Chairing the ICEEPSY2014 Conference, Cyprus, October 23-25, 2014.

Lonka, K. (2014). Chair of the Local Organizing Committee. Passion to Learn. ICM2014 International Conference on Motivation. Opening words. June 12, Helsinki, Finland.

Lonka, K. (2014). Teacher of the ICM2014 Summer School, June 9-11, 2012 Siikaranta, Finland.

Lonka, K. (2014). Keynote: How to Engage the Learner? – new developments in educational psychology. ICEEPSY2014 Conference, Cyprus, October 23-25, 2014.

Lonka, K. (2014). Member of Finnish Delegation (10 persons). Presentation “Bridging the gap between educational practices and digital natives” – where present: Prime ministers of Finland and Norway, Minister of Education from Denmark, Facilitator Kati Tiainen, Microsoft. Northern Future Forum 2014, November 6-7, 2014.

Lonka, K. (2014). Keynote: Tulevaisuuden työ?  ELY-keskus, Hämeenlinna, Finland, November 14, 2014.


Lonka, K. (2013). Keynote: Visions for the future of teacher education and schools in Finland. ACEL “The Future is Now” Conference, Canberra, Australia. October 2 – October 4, 2013.

Lonka, K. (2013). Keynote: Oppilaitos vastuullisen toimijoiden yhteisönä – vuorovaikutus, motivaatio ja tunteet? ESEDU, Mikkeli, Finland. August 8, 2013.

Lonka, K.(2013). Dinner address: Education Leaders Briefing, Microsoft, British Council. London, UK. January 30, 2013.

Lonka, K. (2013). Keynote: Engaging learning environments (ELE) and learning contents for the future. The changing role of the teacher in evaluation process. International Exhibition and Forum for Education 2013, Riyadh International Convention & Exhibition Center. Saudi-Arabia. February 18 – February 22, 2013.


Lonka, K. (2012). Keynote: ELE, designing future learning environments. AEL for school principals. Lahti School district, Finland. March 7, 2012.

Lonka, K. (2012). Keynote: Tulevaisuuden oppimisympäristöt – Asiantuntijaluento Suomen yrittäjille. Siltavuorenpenger, Helsinki, Finland. November 12, 2012.

Lonka, K. (2012). Keynote: The future of learning – the changing role of the teacher. EEPG, Berlin, Germany. November 27, 2012.

Lonka, K. (2012). Keynote: Designing an Engaging Learning Environment. ELE current state of the project. Haaga-Helia, Helsinki, Finland. March 2, 2012.

Lonka, K. (2012). Keynote: Ikäihminen, design ja teknologia – riitasointuja vai sinfonista harmoniaa? KÄKÄTE (Käyttäjälle kätevä teknologia) & Toimiva koti. Musiikkitalo, Helsinki, Finland. November 1, 2012.

Lonka, K. (2012). Keynote: Oppiminen tulevaisuudessa – opettajan rooli? OAJ (Finnish Teacher Union, seminar on teachers of the future), Opettamisen seminaari, Hakaniemi, Helsinki. November 2012.

Lonka, K. (2012). Keynote: Kohti innostavampaa ja osallistavampaa yliopisto-opetusta. Opintori 2012, Oulun Yliopisto, Finland. December 13, 2012.

Lonka, K. (2012). Keynote lecture: Educating digital natives: How to integrate innovative teaching and learning practises with ICT. Partners in Learning Global Forum 2012. Prague, Tsheck Republick, November 29 – December 1, 2012.

Lonka, K. (2012). Keynote: Engaging Learning Environments for the Future. RYM Indoor Environment Seminar. RYM SY, Aalto Yliopisto, Espoo, Finland. April 18, 2012.

Lonka, K. (2012). Keynote: Ajattelen, olen siis töissä. Uuden kilpailukyvyn huippukokous/The New Spirit of Finland. Finlandia-talo, Helsinki, Finland. September 5, 2012.

Lonka, K. (2012). Tulevaisuuden opettajankoulutus – miten vastaamme huomisen tarpeisiin? Educa-messut. Helsinki. January 28, 2012.

Lonka, K. (2012). Invited speech for international press: Innovations in learning environments. Science Corner, Helsinki, Finland. April 17, 2012.


Lonka, K. (2011). Engaging learning environments – blending physical, virtual, social and mental spaces of learning. Open Classroom Conference October 29, 2011. EDEN – European Distance and E-Learning Network. Athens, Greece.

Lonka, K. (2011). Koulutuksen vaikuttavuus -seminaari. Finanssi- ja vakuutuskoulutus FINVA. Helsinki. November 25, 2011.

Lonka, K. (2011). Keynote: Engaging learning. University Teaching as a Scholarship. Tarto, Estonia. January 25, 2011.


Lonka, K. (2010). The Next Generation: Homo digitalis – How can we respond to their needs? An invited keynote in Dutch National E-learning Congress, High Tech Campus Eindhoven. February 3, 2010.

Lonka, K. (2010). Keynote 3: New understandings of medical education and literate expertise, & Invited Workshop: Supervisions and Academic Writing. ASME, Researching Medical Education. The Royal Institute of British Architects, 66 Portland Place, London, UK. November 23, 2010.

Lonka, K. (2010). New Innovations in Teacher Education. European Teacher Education Network (ETEN) Annual Conference 2010, Building schools for the future. Porthania, Helsingin yliopisto. April 15, 2010.

Lonka, K. (2010). Challenged by Innovation. Keynote lecture at ACSI – Aalto Camp for Societal Innovation Conference, Dipoli, June 28, 2010 (ACSI 2010 Proto Camp Dipoli June 28 – July 5, 2010).

Lonka, K. (2010). Digital Media in education. In PDW Helsinki Conference. Metropolia, Helsinki. November 12, 2010.

Lonka, K. (2010). Keynote at Reflektori 2010 – Tekniikan opetuksen symposium. OTE-hanke, Dipoli, Espoo, Finland. December 10, 2010.


Lonka, K. (2009). Negotiating learning – how do you know that you have learned something? Keynote address. The Ninth Conference on Problem-Based Learning in Finland. Tampere, Finland. April 2 – 4, 2009.

Lonka, K. (2009). New visions for learning. Higher Education: Re-Visioning for Recovery. The Path to Sustainable Development, EDUCATION LEADERS FORUM, UNESCO. Pasteur Institute, Paris, France July 9 – 11, 2009.

Lonka, K. (2009). The Joy of Learning – New Approaches to Student Motivation.

Lonka, K. (2009). A keynote presented at ADEE Annual Conference, Association for Dental Education in Europe. Helsinki, Finland, August 26 – 29, 2009.

Lonka, K. (2009). Innovative learning environments. 30 September, 2009. In Terms of Equity –Quality in for Teaching and Learning Congress. University of Helsinki, Palmenia Center Continuing Education, Finland.

Lonka, K. (2008). Student learning, motivation and agency. Keynote in EARLI JURE Conference, Leuven, Belgium. July, 2009.


Lonka, K. (2008). What Motivates the Learner? Keynote at NOFOMA Conference. E-learning in Global Education. June 4, 2008. Helsinki School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland.

Lonka, K. (2008). Paradigms in medical education. February 11, 2008. Mini-symposium. Kanaris Lecture Theater, Manchester Museum, U.K.

Lonka, K. (2008). Motivation and emotion in medical education? February 11, 2008. Invited Mini-symposium. University of Manchester, Faculty of Medicine.

Lonka, K. (2008). Activating teaching and innovative methods in educational psychology in teacher education. April 18, 2008. Tallinna Ylikooli- seminaari, Tallinn, Estonia.

Lonka, K. (2008). Professional development –what motivates the learner? Keynote in Third professional lifelong learning conference: critical perspectives on CPD. June 24, 2008. University of Leeds, Business School, U.K.


Lonka, K. (2007). Student motivation – towards an integrated understanding of teacher student learning. An invited keynote Dutch National Teacher Education Seminar, April 23, 2007, Groningen, The Netherlands.

Lonka, K. (2007). Reading and writing to learn. Some methodological challenges. A Paper presented at LLERA NETWORK SEMINAR: “READING AND WRITING TO LEARN IN SECONDARY AND HIGHER EDUCATION”, ORGANIZING RESEARCH TEAMS: LEAC-UB and SINTE-URL COORDINATORS: MONTSERRAT CASTELLÓ (Ramon Llull University) and ISABEL SOLÉ (Barcelona University) September 27 – 28, 2007, Barcelona, Spain.

Lonka, K. (2007). Writing to learn, learning to write – How writing shapes thinking and thinking shapes writing. An invited keynote address in 4th Biennal Conference of the European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing (EATAW): “Teaching Academic Writing Across and in the Disciplines”, June 30 – July 2, 2007, Ruhr-Universität, Bochum, Germany.

Lonka, K. (2007). Future visions, challenges and threats in medical education. An invited keynote ASME (Association of Studies in Medical Education) Golden 50 Year Jubileum Conference, October, 17 – 18, 2007, Dublin, Ireland.

Lonka, K. (2007). Finding the joy and motivation in learning. Invited Speech in the University Opening Ceremony, September 3, 2007, University of Groningen, The Netherlands.

Lonka, K. (2007). Yliopisto-opiskelu –muuttuko mikään? (University student learning – is there really any change going on?) Invited presentation, PEDA-FORUM, Tampere, Finland, May 25, 2007.


Lonka, K. (2005). Future of Learning. An invited keynote in AMKLC’05 Conference: Symposium on Adaptive Models of Knowledge, Language and Cognition (Hall: AS2), Espoo, Finland, June 15 – 17, 2005.


Lonka, K. (2004). Medicinsk pedagogik, grundläggande principer. Keynote lecture. KIBs medicinska bibliotekskonferens. Stockholm, Sweden , August 23, 2004.


Lonka, K. (1999). The Helsinki 2000 Curriculum: Challenges and solutions in transforming a traditional curriculum into PBL. An invited keynote lecture in symposium “Learning Models for the Future – Examples of Medicine (Lernmodelle der Zukunft – am Beispiel de Medicin). Hanns-Seidel-Stiftnung eV. Munich, Germany, March 3 – 5, 1999.


Lonka, K. (1998). Active versus passive learning. An invited keynote in Life-Long Learning in Pharmacy, Copenhagen, June 10 – 13, 1998.

Lonka, K. (1998). The 21st Century Student. A featuring keynote presentation. Improving University Teaching and Learning, Dublin, Ireland, July 6 – 9, 1998.